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Iran Travel Q&A

How easy is it to get VOA at IKA airport in Tehran? Do Malaysians need to apply for Iran visa?


Just want to know how easy is it to get VOA at IKA airport in Tehran? I have a Malaysia passport and I will be in Iran for just less than 14 days, and according to local Iran high commission I am eligible to apply VOA. From research around internet I understood that I need to pay EUR 50 for stamping fee, is that still the current price? I'm flying by myself but will be meeting my friends there, would that cause any problem getting VOA?


For Malaysian passport holders staying in Iran for up to 15 days is visa-free and it is also extendable to 2 months in police stations in Iranian cities. If you need any help in extending your visa while you are in Iran or need someone to help you with the process you can get in touch with us.


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Zand Blvd, Roodaki St. , Zip code: 7135744934, Shiraz, Iran